The map makers

During this artistic activity, we set off out in the de Hoge Rielen to make a creative map

In doing so, we use everything we come across. We collect, draw, make prints, but above all we create impressions

Our artistic activity starts in the square near reception, where we create our ideal school environment. 

Afterwards, we move into the forest. We regularly stop for a fun, artistic assignment: we create natural signposts, we look for patterns in nature, we create land art, etc. Along the way, we will be inspired by different artists

  • Age: 8 - 12 years
  • Number of participants: minimum 12 and maximum 25
  • Duration: 2.5 hours

Theme Culture

Experience (playfully) art and culture in nature. Nature is a powerful source of inspiration for creativity. Discover the artistic buildings and works of art that inseparably add a cultural dimension to the green environment.

Excited about doing this workshop?

Make a reservation via the reception desk
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