Respect for nature, in the middle of nature
At the de Hoge Rielen, you will be staying on a domain that attaches great importance to sustainability and environmentally friendly operation.
You can stay with us in many accommodations that have achieved a Green Key Award.
We are also committed to fair, healthy and local products. Via the de Hoge Rielen delivery service, you can order bread from the local bakery and beverages are delivered by the local
brewer. In the café, you can get local and organic beers or warm up with Fairtrade hot drinks. In the afternoon, guests can enjoy delicious organic soup in the restaurant.
Green Key
The Green Key Award is a leading standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainability within the tourism sector.
With the Green Key label, Flanders Tourism and GoodPlanet Belgium reward the de Hoge Rielen for the efforts we make for the environment. For example, we are careful with water and energy, we limit waste and opt for sustainable food on the menu. In addition, we invest in the well-being of our employees and the eco-awareness of our guests, without compromising on comfort. In this way, the environmental impact of your stay is reduced.
For years now we have made sure you can stay in environmentally friendly accommodations. In the years to come, we will continue our efforts to expand the range of group accommodations with a Green Key.
The de Hoge Rielen is not only committed to environmentally friendly measures and sustainability in the accommodation buildings. We are also constantly working on a sustainable mobility policy.

The following accommodations meet the strict criteria and have already been awarded a Green Key:
A lot of regional products are produced in the municipality of Kasterlee and the surrounding area. We are proud of this and you can experience it on your plate and in your glass. All regional products are prepared in a traditional way and have a strong connection with the region. So, after a walk, make sure to treat yourself to a Kastel or Gageleer beer.
Fairtrade enables international trade to take place with greater fairness, respect and equality. The Fairtrade system places all the actors involved on an equal footing. For example, farmers from the South, who produce 70% of our food, receive fair compensation for their products. By including various Fairtrade products in our range, we are actively contributing to this.

The organic sector advocates a way of producing and acting based on the principles of ecological capacity, care, health and justice. We choose this because we want to offer our guests tasty, unpolluted meals. The vegetables we serve are grown in the open fields, the animal products come from free-range animals and only a limited number of additives and applications are allowed during processing. In this way, organic cultivation leads to products with a pure composition and high nutritional value. And you can really taste the difference!